What everybody can do against dandruff
Dandruff is often mistaken for a cosmetic issue. But most commonly dandruff is caused by a yeast-like fungus called Malassezia furfur.
In addition to external factors, there are also personal risk factors that can directly affect our health and promote dandruff. This includes mental, physical and nutritional factors. What are these personal risk factors?
Hormonal imbalance, Stress, Allergic predisposition, Wrong diet & Weakened physical resilience
The same rules apply here as with the (external) environmental factors: Some can be influenced by us – for example, by changing our diet. For others, we may need help, for example from a physician.
Everyday life without any stress
Personal risk factors can play a role in the development of dandruff – some bigger than others.

Hormonal imbalance
Hormones transmit important information within the body. They control processes, such as salt and water balance. In addition, they affect sebum production on the skin. Sebum is a layer on the skin surface. It gives us smooth hair and protects the skin from pathogens. Unfortunately, too much sebum can lead to dandruff, because Malassezia furfur, the yeast-like fungus causing dandruff, feeds on sebum. Excess sebum promotes its growth. Therefore, people suffering from hormone imbalance, for example during puberty, tend to get dandruff. In these cases, it is a blessing to have a remedy like Nizoral® that effectively fights the fungus.

People who are already under a lot of stress, really don’t need the added stress of dandruff. Stress can cause dandruff since stress upsets the immune system. Stress can dry up the skin and make us sweat. Stress can also promote sebum production on the surface of the skin. Possible consequence: dandruff. This may also cause even more stress. Who needs white flakes on his suit before his first date? Nobody. Therefore, it is best to start using agents such as Nizoral® at an early stage. So, even when we are in a situation where stress cannot be avoided, we can always seek help from friends or psychologists. For stress caused by dandruff we can count on the effective and fast treatment with Nizoral®.

Allergic predisposition
The number of allergy sufferers has increased in recent years. Some people’s nose drips at the first sign of pollen, while other people may be hypersensitive to cat hair. People who are allergic to certain substances can have itching skin and they may get dandruff.

Wrong diet
We do notice it ourselves: If we eat fatty food and drink alcohol in the evening, we usually do not feel well the next morning. We are tired and worn out. The little invisible inhabitants of our skin, the microorganisms, are happy because they get to feast. The result is impure oily skin through excessive sebum formation. This can lead to dandruff. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to your diet – especially for people who are already prone to dandruff. A balanced, vitamin-rich diet with zinc-containing foods is good for the whole body. The same applies to skin and hair. That does not mean you have to give up alcohol, coffee, sugar, and wheat products altogether. However, moderate consumption, healthy diet and regular exercising helps strengthen the immune system and can contribute to healthy hair.

Weakened physical resilience
We have already learned that stress confuses the immune system, possibly leading to dandruff. Some people are already struggling with a weakened immune system anyway. This includes patients with chronic diseases, such as diabetes or Parkinsons. They often suffer from dandruff.
Medications like Nizoral®, which contains the active pharmaceutical agent Ketoconazole 2%, inhibit the growth of dandruff-causing fungi. A healthy lifestyle supports it.
Say goodbye to dandruff and itching
Nizoral® treats the cause of dandruff and itchiness for continous scalp health.